女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(36)


While i licked all the "stuff" off Miss Ambers sweaty socks i could see Carrie doing the same for Kelly. Miss Amber and Kelly were laughing at the video and praising me for using Carrie."Fuck, little shawna, you are quite the bitch" laughed Miss Amber. i hardly heard it though as i licked all kinds of stuff off Miss Amber socks, all the while loving the smell of her sweaty feet. "ok, Amb lets switch for awhile... your bitch for mine" Kelly laughed. "OK slaves, switch" Miss Amber ordered. i didnt want to, but i wanted to please Miss Amber. While i love the smell of Miss Ambers feet, Kellys are not as good. Miss Ambers feet sweat ALOT, and i love that. i could tell Carrie doesnt use her tounge well enough, so i really got to suck and lick Kelly's socks clean. Her white socks were almost black from dancing in just her socks. i did my best, and i cant wait to finish Miss Ambers as well, i know Carrie will screw them up as well. "OK slaves, follow us outside for a smoke" was Miss Ambers order.?

When we got to the door, They stopped and i got up to open the door for them. "Ummm, we need something to stand on out there" giggled Miss Amber. "Door mats" Kelly burst out laughing. Carrie and i both crawled outside and laid down face up. Kelly stepped on my belly to get over to her "doormat", while Miss Amber stepped out onto me. "Amb, this is fucking awesome" Kelly said as i saw her put her socked toes over Carries mouth. Miss Amber did the same thing and i kissed and sniffed in her beautiful scent looking up at her. "Lets see, its 11 pm, we have alot of time to use our slaves, Amb can I have little shawna the rest of the night" Kelly asked my Owner. "Only for tonight, we have to get Carrie up to speed" Miss Amber said. With that Carrie and i were nipping at the socked heels of our Owners, anticipating our next orders of the night. nwxs7.cc

Part 12

i let Miss Kelly get comfortable on the sofa again before i went back to work on her dirty white socks. Carrie sat at Miss Ambers feet waiting for her orders.?

"Shawna, make me proud, do a good job on Kell's socks" Miss Amber laughed. "Yes Miss" i replied in between licking and sucking. "Carrie, you are really worthless. Sit by the tv and be our remote" yelled Miss Amber. To my amazement, Carrie began apologizing and looking at me to back her up, but, i was busy. "Shawna, take one of Kell's socks off" Miss Amber instructed. Miss Kelly sat quiet while i pulled one of her socks off. Miss Amber then had me stuff it in Carries mouth! "Get over to the tv" Miss Amber yelled. Carrie crawled on all fours to the tv and went through endless channels for our owners. I laid at thier feet licking Miss Kelly's one sock clean and massaging Miss Ambers w/ my hands.?

"My boots wont clean themselves" Miss Amber said out of nowhere. "Shawna can quit with me Amb" Kelly said softly. "Not what I had in mind" replied Miss Amber. "Kelly, Shawna can show you how I like my feet masaged, Carrie can practice licking my boots clean, that way you wont have to train her" Miss Amber said rather matter of factly. "What about me" asked Miss Kelly. "Get off the sofa and on the floor w/ little Shawna Kell, you were my first little bitch" Miss Amber replied. "Not like that" Kelly protested. "Kelly, you always follow me like a little puppy, since we were kids" Miss Amber said looking right into Kelly's eyes. "Carrie bring me the real remote, Kelly... NOW" my Owner said. I should have felt jealous but i could only look up at Miss Amber in awe, i may be her chosen slave but she owned us all and i loved how she took control.?
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